do the dishes-did the dishes 설거지한다vacumm the floor,wipe the floor 청소한다do a laundry-did a laundry 빨래한다take out the garbage-took out the garbage 쓰레기를 내다 버리다get a job-got a job 취직하다quit his job 직장을 그만두다do my own business-did my own business 사업을 하다get promoted-got promoted 승진하다retire 퇴직하다get fired 해고되다he down on the courch 쇼파에 누워있다worry-worried 걱정하다go fishing-went fishing 낚시가다play golf 골프치다
sleep-slept,have some sleep, get some sleep, take some sleep 자다rest-rested, have some rest, get some rest, take some rest 쉬다sit down-sat down, have a sit, take a sit 앉다get in 들어가get out 나가get over 와call, make a phone call 전화건다get the phone call, answer the phone call 전화받는다talk on the phone, be on the phone 통화한다
boil-boiled 끓인다bake-baked 굽는다dip 담근다steam 삶는다season 양념을 한다be proud of 자랑스러워하다get make angry 화를 내다yell at-yelled at 소리치다call 전화건다talke on the phone, be on the phone 통화한다get the phone, answer the phone, pick up the phone 전화받는다pray 기도한다be on a diet 다이어트한다compare 비교한다like, love 좋아한다chat with 수다떤다wake up early 일찍 일어난다forget things 덜렁댄다/깜빡한다endure, put up with 참는다
hang-hung 건다go in-went in, get in-got in 들어간다go out-went out, get out-got out 나간다laugh-laughed 웃는다cry-cried 운다get pregnant-got pregnant 임신을 한다give a birth to a baby-got a birth to a baby 아기를 낳는다go grocery shopping-went grocery shopping 장을 본다do shopping-did shopping, go shopping-went shopping 쇼핑을 하다do a make up-did a make up, put on a make up 화장을 한다feed, fed 먹인다put it on 입힌다get ready for-got read..
wake up-woke up 일어나다stand up-stood up 서다sit down-sat down, have a seat-had a seat, take a seat-took a seat 앉다speak-spoke, tell-told, talk-talked 말하다hear-heared, listen-listend 듣는다work-wokred 일한다rest, take some rest, have some rest, get some rest 쉰다wear-wore, put it on 입는다 take off-took off 벗는다go-went, come-came 다닌다think-thought 생각한다walk-walked 걸어간다study-studied 공부한다learn-learned 배운다teach-taught ..
put it 둔다put it in 집어넣는다put it on 올려놓는다put it under 내려놓는다put it aside 옆에 둔다put it back 뒤에 둔다put it there 거기에 둔다put it here 여기에 둔다put it away 치운다take out 꺼낸다bring, get 가져온다take 가져간다eat, have 먹는다drink, have 마신다see, look, watch, take a look 본다have 가지고 있다be 위치하고 있다(있다)try 먹어본다, 마셔본다, 해본다sleep, get some sleep. have some sleep 잠을 잔다
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1 | ||||||
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30 | 31 |